Security Snapshot
Pacific Security College - 27 Oct 2023
Pacific Security Snapshot | 27 October 2023
The security stories shaping the region Fiji Prime Minister Rabuka promotes Pacific “Zone of Peace” Fiji-Australia Memorandum of Understanding on Cyber Security Cooperation Papua New Guinea and China hold bilateral talks United States and Marshall Islands renew COFA Vanuatu, Samoa and Fiji receive Japanese human security support Pacific Islands Forum releases Loss and Damage Policy…

Security Snapshot
Pacific Security College - 13 Oct 2023
Pacific Security Snapshot: Pacific voices at the United Nations
In this special edition of the Pacific Security Snapshot, we look at the key issues raised by Pacific leaders at the recent United Nations General Assembly, including climate change, reform to multilateral institutions and ocean health. “These challenges might be inconvenient for large economies – but I can assure the climate impacts already at our…

Security Snapshot
Pacific Security College - 29 Sep 2023
Pacific Security Snapshot | 29 September 2023
The security stories shaping the region ➣ 2nd United States-Pacific Islands Forum Summit ➣ Niue and Cook Islands forge diplomatic ties with United States ➣ Chinese navy vessel arrives in Papua New Guinea ➣ Pacific climate change advocacy at the United Nations ➣ El Niño is officially declared ➣ Fifteenth Pacific Health Ministers Meeting in…

Security Snapshot
Pacific Security College - 15 Sep 2023
Pacific Security Snapshot | 15 September 2023
The security stories shaping the region ➣ Pacific Islands Forum Women Leaders Meeting ➣ Pacific High-Level Dialogue on Climate Change ➣ Fiji to sign Status of Forces Agreement with France ➣ Palau expands United States maritime law enforcement agreement ➣ Papua New Guinea special elite force to combat tribal violence ➣ Australia extends police presence…

Security Snapshot
Pacific Security College - 31 Aug 2023
Pacific Security Snapshot | 31 August 2023
The security stories shaping the region ➣ Joint Heads of Pacific Security Meeting in Palau ➣ Melanesian Spearhead Group Leaders’ Summit in Vanuatu ➣ Cook Islands launches National Security Policy ➣ Aotearoa New Zealand releases National Security Strategy ➣ Japan begins release of treated nuclear wastewater into Pacific Ocean Regionalism The 5th Joint Heads of…

Security Snapshot
Pacific Security College - 18 Aug 2023
Pacific Security Snapshot | 18 August 2023
The security stories shaping the region ➣ Pacific Resilience Facility endorsed at the Forum Economic Ministers Meeting ➣ The Pacific Climate Security Assessment Guide ➣ French President Macron visits Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu ➣ US Secretary of State and Secretary of Defence in the Pacific ➣ Bougainville eruption leaves 8,000 displaced Climate Security Ministers…