Name one aspect of your role you enjoy the most:
Having the opportunity to question national and community leaders on their decision making in ensuring accountability and transparency is upheld in the country.
What PSC Course did you attend?
National Security Reporting Course – Solomon Islands (Leading the National Security Conversation Solomon Islands)
What was one of the key takeaways that you learned during the course?
When reporting any form of security issues in the country it is important always to check policies and agreements on the issue as it provides basis and facts for the story one is writing up. It allows to puts the issue into context and enables journalists to hold leaders accountable for the decisions being made.
What have you applied and how has that helped you or your organisation?
Educating myself on the country’s policies and making sure the way I write the new items or features clearly understood by the public.
What advice would you give to those wanting to attend PSC courses?
Go in without presumptions and be open to discussions and make use of the opportunity to learn from the experts the course offers.