IPCC Reporting and the Climate Crisis

In this episode, we speak to Prof Mark Howden and Dr George Carter on the IPCC’s role in the Pacific and the sobering trajectory of the current crisis.

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44 min Listen - 15 May 2023

Making Pacific Climate Policy

What should Pacific countries consider when making policies on climate change? Salā Dr George Carter and Mahealani Delaney join Akka Rimon to discuss the importance of embedding traditional knowledge and the IPCC’s latest recommendations in Pacific climate policies.

42 min Listen - 1 May 2023

Migrating with Dignity: A conversation with Anote Tong

A final warning – the IPCC has released its landmark Synthesis Report for the AR6 reporting cycle, outlining the drastic action needed to be taken by the world to prevent the worse impacts of climate change. But what does it mean for the Pacific?